Wednesday, April 27, 2011

New Testament

I thought my groups project worked out pretty well. This project, we had to pick a subject and make a powerpoint about that class. We explained all the different things to expect from the classes and what teachers they might have. After collecting all the information we added it to I movie. In Imovie, we added music, video clips, and pictures to grab the viewers attention.  The most I enjoyed out of this project is being able to get out of class to interview teachers and students. I thought this was a nice assignment to gradually learn about imovie. I feel my group worked well together and finished everything on time.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I thought this new project was rather easy and didn't take much of my time. I did not really enjoy recording my voice because I hate listening to it. In this project we had to pick a story or movie and basically make a commercial. We had to explain what went on in the story and the characters. After recording our voices, then we put it into garage band. Once we put the recording in garage band, we had to add pictures and jingles from the movie and place them into garage band. Once everyone was done we had to present. I really enjoyed listening to everyones project and see what different techniques they used.