Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Story Board

I thought my group did an excellent job with our storyboard. I really enjoyed working in a group because i feel it is less stressful and you can split up the work. In this project we had to chose a subject and make a outline powerpoint about what that class has to offer. We chose New Testament and explained what good or bad teachers that a student could have and explained what was required. The group decided to interview the teachers about what they expect from their students. We also added some PND quotes and advice for the incoming freshmen.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Name Project

I actually enjoyed doing this project. I thought it was a lot easier and had more time to get it done.  In this project we had to make a slideshow on I photo and add music. In the slide you had to have your full name and pictures that describes you and and what you enjoy doing. I decided that I wanted to focus on my favorite music, food and family vacations. In my slide I tried going for a spring theme and color. I also enjoyed picking out music that fit the theme. The song that I chose was Stereo Love.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Mail Merge

I thought the mail merging project will soon be helpfully with getting a job. I have never done mail merging before, i thought it was okay. Writing letters and excel sheets are not one of my strong points. In this project we had to make up recipients and their addresses. We had to record all this information on excel sheets and then we had to choose one of the names and write them a letter. In the letter I had to make believe that I was the head of the American Diabetes Association. I had to explain how I was helping with the cause and what I had to do to make it happen.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

M and M Project

This mm project was not bad for being my first assignment. In mm assignment, you had to sort the candy by color and group the information onto a graph. The good thing about this project was that we were able to enjoy eating our project after we finished. I was somewhat confused on how to use the excel format and how to make a pie graph. I am not a big fan on doing anything with excel sheets or putting together information into a graph. I like how you set up all the instructions and guidelines were shown online, so it made it easier to follow along.

Monday, March 14, 2011

What to Expect

In technology, I hope to learn about how to use Imovie, Excel sheets and Garage band. I have had little to no experience with using these tools. I expect that the homework assignments/projects will be spread out throughout the week and not jumbled all into one week. When a lot of homework is due on one day, I start to become frazzled and I can not think straight. I also hope that grading will be fair and graded on effort. I have heard about this class being pretty easy and low key. Some students said they had enough time in class to get there work done and was also given free time if they finished early.